If you are a self-employed individual, or if your spouse or common-law partner is self-employed, you have until June 15 to file your income tax and benefit return.
When you're self-employed and you operate your business, you must pay the following:
personal income tax
Canada Pension Plan contributions
Employment Insurance premiums if you are eligible and have registered to participate
Yong Qiang Chartered Professional Accountant
Address: 312 - 1524 91 ST SW, Edmonton, AB T6X 1M5
Phone: 587-523-8869
Fax: 587-523-6689
Email: info@yongqiang.ca
Wechat: YongQiangCPA
Office Hours (by appointments only)
Mon to Fri: 9:00 am to 7:00 pm
Weekends: 9:00 am to 2:00 pm